The New Font Selection Scheme

The latest version of PS-LAEMTEMEXEEMX uses the New Font Selection Scheme of Mittelbach and Schöpf, to make a huge variety of PostScript fonts available to the PS-LAEMTEMEXEEMX user.4

Using this scheme, you can use , or to select from three font families, then select normal or bold weights using either \mediumseries or , then select either normal, slanted, italic or small-caps shapes using \normalseries, , or \sc. Additionally, in PS-LAEMTEMEXEEMX you can change the assignment of families to the , and commands too, using \romanfont, \sansfont or \typewriterfont.

For example, the default settings use fonts available on all PostScript implementations, and are set with:

(See the accompanying ``fonts'' document for a more complete explanation of these.) To make Palatino the roman font in use, use the commands
in your document. The full spectrum of choice available with PS-LAEMTEMEXEEMX as distributed is enumerated in the table below. It should be straightforward for the system installer to extend the choice to any other PostScript fonts you have.
Family Choices
Times5 (times), Palatino (palatino), Bookman (bookman),
  New-Century Schoolbook (newcenturyschlbk)
\sf Helvetica (helvetica), Helvetica Reduced (helveticareduced),
  Avant Garde (avantgarde)
\tt Courier (courier)
Also, if you choose, you can use the sans-serif fonts for , and the roman fonts for (e.g., if you want a sans-serif document). It will be confusing to type to get sans-serif, of course, but it will work.